tirsdag 1. januar 2013


I do not know what to do,
I do not know where to go
The road ahead is so cumbersome,
and so difficult to spot

The sun is hidden behind clouds

And it has perhaps never shone for me
And I do not know who I can rely on
when the storms set in

I helm alone in a small, cracked  boat 

over a scary stormy seas
I do not know what I'll find
Now when I start to look at my past

My will to live is a fire

fighting hard to remain strong
And quite often
the flames are weak and almost burned out

I've fought so long now

and is so tired of fighting
I need someone to lean on
to get the energy that I need to move on

So what should I do?

Who do I believe?
Can I dare to accept the support offered me
Dare to accept the hands that will me good??